Dr Charles Forsyth

CharlesI qualified from Guy’s Hospital in 1977 and have worked in private practice since 1981 integrating homeopathic and ecological /functional medical approaches. In 1984 I was a founder member of The British Society of Nutritional Medicine (later named The British Society for Allergy, Environmental and Nutritional Medicine and more recently The British Society for Ecological Medicine).
I was a co-founder, partner and teacher for 10 years with The Homeopathic Physicians Teaching Group running under-graduate and post-graduate courses in homeopathy for doctors, veterinary surgeons and professions allied to medicine from 1992. In 2000 I founded and continue to run the West Surrey and West Sussex Homeopathic Group – a monthly study group for doctors, vets and professional homeopaths. I have served on the Faculty Council in the past, have been a BSEM committee member for many years and am currently treasurer. I was made a Fellow of the Faculty of Homeopathy in 2007.

Watch Presentation

Session details:
Sunday 6 November – Plenary Session
Time: 11:00
Room: Grand 1 & 2
Toxicological obstacles to cure – an overview of how very common environmental exposures are affecting our health – professional and personal perspectives

Congress 2016

Centred on the theme, Homeopathy: Healthy Patients, Healthy Practice, delegates enjoyed presentations, seminars and workshops delivered by leading homeopaths from the UK and around the globe. Topics for discussion included the first UK presentation by Swiss Paediatrician Dr Heiner Frei, who introduced his very successful approach to treatment of children with ADHD; Dr Jonathan Hardy's video cases of patients with severe addictions markedly helped by Homeopathy; Dr Julie Geraghty introduction of the new Gemstone remedies like Amethyst, Diamond and Emerald (also very useful in addiction) and Dr Elizabeth Thompson on the usefulness of the hydrocarbon remedies in treating patients with cancer.


Email: info@facultyofhomeopathy.org
Telephone: 0203 640 5903
Address: 49-51 East Road, London, N1 6AH